kualitas pendidikan

ISO 21001 : Building Quality and Sustainable Education

ISO 21001 : Building Quality and Sustainable Education In an era of education that continues to develop, the need for effective and quality education management is increasingly important. All education strives and hopes to provide the best educational experience for their students. The education system needs to be packed with various things that make students [...]
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ISO 27001

ISO 27001: Guaranteed Information Security, Controlled Data Protection

ISO 27001 : Guaranteed Information Security, Controlled Data Protection In the digital era which is increasingly advanced and will continue to develop, information security has become an increasingly important issue and is always paid attention to by companies in various sectors. Threats to information security are increasingly diverse and complex, therefore, it is important for [...]
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ISO 9001

ISO 9001: Superior Quality Standards to Guarantee Business Excellence

ISO 9001:2015 Superior Quality Standards to Guarantee Business Excellence A good business can be established because it has good foundations. One of the foundations that can strengthen the superiority of a business is an assessment that is recognized and in accordance with national or even world standards. A business can be assessed as good, it [...]
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Unit Application Needs Development Workshop

Unit Application Requirements Development The workshop "Development of Unit Application Needs" was held on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, which was attended by representatives of each TUJ Unit. Today's workshop was held with the aim of providing socialization to all units related to the newly developed application by the DTI Unit, namely SILo (Sistem Informasi Logistik)). [...]
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Definisi, Fitur, Manfaat, Cara Kerja dan Keunggulan ReactJS

ReactJS: Definition, Features, Benefits, How it Works and Advantages

ReactJS: Definition, Features, Benefits, How it Works and Advantages The use of framework like ReactJS by developers is generally driven by several reasons, including to speed up and simplify the web application development process In addition, frameworks make maintenance easier because they provide existing patterns, and are usually equipped with general facilities such as validation, [...]
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definisi codeigniter

Codeigniter: Definition, How it Works, Advantages and Disadvantages

Codeigniter: Definition, Features, Benefits, How it Works, Advantages and Disadvantages A framework, or also called a framework in Indonesian, is a group of functions, procedures, classes and instructions combined in a special structure. The main goal of the framework is to make developers' work easier in programming activities. Generally, frameworks serve as effective tools for [...]
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Smart Homes : Better Automation and Control

Smart Homes : Better Automation and Control In recent years, the concept of smart homes has attracted significant attention, this concept is revolutionizing the way we live and interact in residential spaces. With the rapid advancement of technology today, thesmart homes consept has offered better automation and control over various aspects of the living space. […]

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Development of Network Technology

Development of Network Technology In general, a network is one of the current communication tools that we use every day, with several device components such as computers, laptops, cellphones, switches, routers, servers and access points to be able to connect to each other. Network systems can be connected using cables or wirelessly. Technology is developing […]

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Technological Developments in Transportation

Technological Developments in Transportation Transportation is an important aspect of everyday life. In recent years, technological developments have changed the face of the transportation industry significantly. Innovations such as electric cars, autonomous vehicles, and ridesharing have had a tremendous positive impact, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing efficiency, and potentially reducing traffic congestion. Next we will […]

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