What are the risks of using public Wi-Fi networks? Using a public Wi-Fi network is often a practical choice, especially when we are in a public place such as a cafe, airport, or hotel. However, behind this convenience, there are various security risks that are often overlooked. This article will discuss the main risks that [...]
Complete Must-Have Skills for a Modern Web Developer Modern web developers must have a combination of technical and non-technical skills to adapt to the latest technologies and trends in web development. As the technology industry evolves, the demand for responsive, secure, and feature-rich websites continues to increase. Therefore, web developers are required to master various [...]
BTE TEA TIME 2024 Jakarta, September 12, 2024 – BTE TEA TIME is back this year with an interesting theme, “The Connection: Mind Your Health”. This annual workshop event was held again by the Telecommunication Engineering Undergraduate Program at Telkom University Jakarta via the Zoom platform, allowing for two-way interaction between the speakers and the [...]
How Software Shapes Our Lives In today's digital age, our daily lives are inseparable from software. From waking up to going to sleep again, software plays an important role in almost every aspect of life. But how much does it affect the way we work, interact and manage activities? Let's take a closer look at [...]
Recommendation Algorithm: Smart Online Shopping Friends Online shopping has become an essential part of daily life in the age of ever-evolving technology. The recommendation algorithm, which serves as a "smart friend" and helps customers find products according to their preferences, is one of the innovations that improves the online shopping experience. How does the recommendation [...]
7 OSI Layer: The Building Blocks of Networking 7 OSI Layer (Open System Interconnection) is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to provide a structured and logical framework for how data is communicated over a network. This model is very dominant and has become the main reference in data communication literature, [...]
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models: A Complete Guide What is Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)? Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a systematic process used for software development. Starting from the planning stage to completion and maintenance. The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model can serve as a framework in organizing the steps to [...]
College Glossary #Part 1 Entering the world of college is a big step that brings various challenges and new experiences. One of the initial challenges that new students often face is understanding the various terms that exist in the world of college. These terms often sound foreign and confusing, but it is important for you [...]
Bit vs Byte: The Basic Units of the Digital World Pernahkah Anda bertanya-tanya apa sebenarnya perbedaan antara bit dan byte? Kedua istilah ini sering muncul dalam konteks teknologi informasi, terutama saat kita membicarakan kecepatan internet, kapasitas penyimpanan, atau ukuran file. Meskipun terdengar mirip, keduanya memiliki peran yang berbeda dalam dunia digital. Bit dan byte adalah [...]
Diving into the World of Botnets: A Hidden Threat in the Digital Age In this digital era, the internet has become an inseparable part of human life. However, behind the convenience and unlimited access it offers, there is a hidden danger lurking, namely botnets. A botnet is a network of computers or other devices infected [...]