Tips for Maintaining Your Computer’s Health

tips merawat kesehatan komponen komputer

Tips for Maintaining Your Computer's Health

Computer components consist of a single unit to be able to work together and help daily activities. Of course we want our devices to be used for a long time, but if one of the computer components cannot function properly, it will greatly interfere with the activities you want to run. Next, let’s discuss some tips for maintaining the health of your device…

1. Maintain Electricity Flow

Keeping the electricity flow always stable is the first step that must be taken by users so that computer components are not damaged due to excess electricity. Excess electricity often occurs due to surges, which are caused by high electric currents jumping in your computer. Prevention that can be done is to buy a good quality PSU, also install a stavolt device to keep the electricity stable when you use your computer.

2. Clean Computer Files

Performing routine file maintenance can improve the performance of your computer, cleaning these files will solve the problem of piles and full storage memory on your device, but if not done it will be very burdensome for your computer’s HDD or SDD.

3. Anti-Virus Scanning

The next tip is to clean your computer from viruses that may be involved when you are browsing the internet. Performing regular scanning can prevent viruses from continuing to stick to your computer.

4. Data Backup

Finally, do a data backup in maintaining and preserving the health of your computer, start by storing important data or data with a very large size in the cloud. Doing so will provide more space on your computer’s HDD or SDD so that it feels lighter and can last for a long time.

You can try some of the tips above to help maintain and care for your computer’s health so that it can perform well in the long term. For more information about Telkom University Jakarta Information Technology Support, please visit:

tips merawat kesehatan komponen komputer

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