Ramadan Kultum Series #5
Celebrating Lailatul Qadar Night
Jakarta, April 2, 2024. Kultum Ramadhan Series is a new event segment held by Telkom University Jakarta during the holy month of Ramadhan. It has reached the 5th series, but this time the Kultum Ramadhan Series was held in a different way than usual, not via zoom but onsite at Telkom University Jakarta Campus A (Daan Mogot) by inviting the Head of the Shiraathu Ar Rahim Foundation, Perguruan Annida Al Islamy Jakarta, namely Ust. H. Ahmad Fulaih, M.A and attended by the entire academic community of Telkom University Jakarta.

Kultum Ramadhan Series #5 this time carries the theme entitled “Welcoming the Night of Lailatul Qadar”. Lailatul Qadar is one of the nights that is eagerly awaited by all Muslims when the holy month of Ramadan arrives. Lailatul Qadar occurs on an odd night in the last 10 days of the month of Ramadan, although the exact date is unknown, but in the Quran and hadith that provide information on the signs and specialness of this night.
Also Read: Ramadan Kultum Series #4
Ust. Ahmad Fulaih mentioned several special features on the night of Lailatul Qadar, namely: 1. Extraordinary reward value. The Al-Quran states that worship performed on the night of Lailatul Qadar has a greater reward value than the worship of a thousand months. 2. The night the Al-Quran was revealed “Indeed, We have sent it (the Al-Quran) down on Lailatulqadar” Q.S Al-Qadr: 1. The night where the Al-Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW by the Angel Gabriel, therefore this night has value and enormous blessings due to the revelation of the main guidance for all Muslims. 3. The doors of Heaven will be opened. On the night of Lailatul Qadar, the doors of heaven will be opened and the doors of hell will be closed. This shows that Allah SWT is very generous in providing His forgiveness and mercy to His servants who worship and are pious that night. 4. All matters are revealed In the hadith, it is mentioned that on the night of Lailatul Qadar, Allah SWT determines all matters that will occur in the following year. Therefore, this night (Lailatul Qadar) is also a good time to ask Allah SWT to make things easy. all matters and get blessings in life.
These are some of the special features of Lailatul Qadar night as conveyed by Ust. Ahmad Fulaih in his cult. “Hadith narrated by Bukhari says “Look for Lailalatul Qadr on the odd nights of the last ten nights of the month of Ramadhan” that is why every odd night in the month of Ramadhan is called i’tikaf, so make the best use of that time to worship Allah. SWT,” said Ust. Ahmad Fulaih in ending his lecture.
Author: Siti Zakiyah | Editor: Husna Rahmi