Foto bersama seluruh alumni Akatel, ITTJ, Tel-U Jakarta

Alumni Gathering Chapter Jakarta 2024

Alumni Gathering Chapter Jakarta 2024 Tangerang, July 13, 2024 – The Career and Alumni Team from the Student Affairs Unit of Telkom University Jakarta has held the 2024 Alumni Gathering activity with the theme “HoNor (Homecoming and Networking) Alumni Chapter Jakarta: Building Networks and Improving Reputation Through Alumni Associations”. This event was held at the [...]
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Tel-U Cup Jakarta

Compete Healthily, Win Friendly. KickOff Tel-U Cup Jakarta 2024

Compete Healthy, Win Friendly. Kick Off Tel-U Cup Jakarta 2024 Jakarta, July 10, 2024 – Telkom University Jakarta is once again holding a prestigious annual event, Tel-U Cup Jakarta. Tel-U Cup Jakarta is a sports and emotional competition for all Telkom University Jakarta employees and this is Telkom University Jakarta's 2nd annual event since officially [...]
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Unit Application Needs Development Workshop

Unit Application Requirements Development The workshop "Development of Unit Application Needs" was held on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, which was attended by representatives of each TUJ Unit. Today's workshop was held with the aim of providing socialization to all units related to the newly developed application by the DTI Unit, namely SILo (Sistem Informasi Logistik)). [...]
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Arshaka Bimantara Young Member Training and Training

Arshaka Bimantara Young Member Training and Training The DIKLATSAR (Basic Education and Training) activity for young members of ARSHAKA BIMANTARA is a program organized by Telkom University Jakarta student affairs which aims to train the intuition or knowledge of young members of ARSHAKA BIMANTARA by practicing directly in the field to implement pre-training material. Held […]

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