Foto bersama seluruh alumni Akatel, ITTJ, Tel-U Jakarta

Alumni Gathering Chapter Jakarta 2024

Alumni Gathering Chapter Jakarta 2024 Tangerang, July 13, 2024 – The Career and Alumni Team from the Student Affairs Unit of Telkom University Jakarta has held the 2024 Alumni Gathering activity with the theme “HoNor (Homecoming and Networking) Alumni Chapter Jakarta: Building Networks and Improving Reputation Through Alumni Associations”. This event was held at the [...]
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Wisuda Universitas Telkom

Towards a New World: Farewell Parties and Graduations Full of Memories

Stepping into a New World: Farewell Parties and Graduations Full of Memories Every goodbye is the beginning of a new adventure. Likewise, with the farewell, Telkom University Jakarta D3 Telecommunications Engineering students held a lively farewell party and a graduation procession full of symbols. Farewell parties are a moment to celebrate togetherness, reminisce about shared [...]
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