Glints x Telkom University Jakarta Seminar and Mini Workshop

Glints x Telkom University Jakarta

Seminars and Mini Workshops

Glints x Telkom University Jakarta

Jakarta, 29 November 2023. Glints x Telkom University Jakarta held a seminar and mini workshop at the Jakarta Design Center. Glints Indonesia is a company that provides job portals from Singapore and has quite a large business in Indonesia. This event aims to prepare seminar participants for facing the world of work. In accordance with the theme “Career Preparation for Fresh Graduates and Final Year Students”, the event was attended by students and alumni of Telkom University Jakarta who are ready to be involved in the world of work and need thorough training such as a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and tips for answering interviews. which is good and correct.

Seminar & Mini Workshop Glints x Telkom University Jakarta

The event started at 09.00 WIB, starting with remarks by the Director of Telkom University Jakarta Dr. Ir. Agus Achmad Suhendra, M.T. he expressed his gratitude to the speakers and participants who had attended the event, he also expressed his congratulations to the alumni of Telkom University Jakarta who had just graduated last Friday, “CV is the first face that companies see to find out value “We, as job applicants, with this event, are the right moment to prepare your provisions after becoming alumni of Telkom University Jakarta or those who are still students, to prepare these provisions long ago,” he said in his speech.

The main menu of the seminar that day was presented by Kartika Adyani (Dyan) as the resource person. Dyan is a Social & Community Manager Glints Indonesia from 2021 until now, with background pekerjaannya yang bersinggungan langsung dengan perekrutan sumber daya manusia, Dyan menyampaikan topik tentang bagaimana membuat CV ATS yang baik dan benar serta membagikan tips untuk menjawab pertanyaan wawancara dari HRD (Human Resource Development) the company we are applying to.

Glints x TUJ

The participants were very enthusiastic about taking part in the seminar, as evidenced by the fact that many of them asked questions in the question and answer session, competing to answer questions from the resource persons because those who could answer these questions would be given merchandise from Glints x Telkom Univeristy Jakarta.

Without realizing it, it was already 12.30, the event was over. With the provisions that Dyan has provided to seminar participants, it is hoped that participants will be better at preparing their CV profiles and more ready to answer various interview questions from HRD.

Quality CV, wide open career doors and become the professional that companies are looking for! Send regards for success.

Glints x Telkom University Jakarta

Author: Siti Zakiyah | Editor: Husna Rahmi

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