Web Defacement : Definition, Examples, How it Works, and Treatment

serangan peretas

Web Defacement : Definition, Examples, How it Works, and Treatment

Technology has developed all over the world, which has a huge impact on daily activities, but along with the development of technology that aims to simplify and help to make a job more efficient and effective, there are still some people who use knowledge in the development of this era from the negative side. As with the development of technology, it is possible that there are still many people who need adaptation in the use of this technology, and in this case it becomes a gap for hackers who aim to hack data owned by gadget users who are easily tricked by information that makes users confused. Hacking is increasingly diverse and it is very unexpected that it is a dangerous thing, starting from the spread of malicious links that are spread on behalf of large companies and if the link is clicked, user data will be automatically accessed starting from the gadget password to be able to access mobile banking on the gadget, it certainly makes panic and hobeh all gadget users from all circles, especially for those who are still gaptek (stuttering technology).

There are several types of hacks that often occur these days on the websites of organizations that aim to gain data and access, one of which is web defacement, which will be explained further in the article:

Defition of Web Defacement

Cybersecurity refers to a set of technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, devices, programs and data from attack, damage or illegal access. Most websites and web applications store data in configurations that affect the content displayed on the website or determine where the safe layout and content of the page is located. Unpredictable changes to the layout or even the content are indicative of a security breach and may be a sign of a hacker attack.

Web Defacement is an attack where hackers can penetrate a website and replace the content on the site with notifications or advertisements that usually contain political messages, religion, profanity and other inappropriate contexts that will make the value of the web very bad. And the purpose of web defacement also includes being able to steal personal data or information that will be used for bad things

Examples and How Web Defacement Works

A clear example of web defacement is when hackers change the home page of a website by changing the layout, fonts and displaying disrespectful images or notifications. This is certainly very disturbing to users and threatens the security of the information stored in it.

Web defacement usually occurs when the website is in a vulnerable condition or has a security gap that can be exploited by hackers, there are several ways of working that are commonly used by hackers when doing web defacement, including :

  1. Looking for Security Loopholes
  2. Injection Code
  3. Credential Theft
  4. Brute Force Attack
  5. Exploitation of Other Vulnerabilities

Tools to Handle Web Defacement

To be able to prevent or handle web defacement on the website, here are some tools that can be used:

1. Firewall and IDS/IPS: Use a strong firewall and intrusion prevention system (IDS/IPS) to help detect and prevent attacks.

2. Security Management System: Using a comprehensive security management system that can help detect, analyze and respond to attacks quickly.

3. Velnurebility Scanners : Using vulnerability scanning tools can help identify security vulnerabilities in order to take steps to improve and strengthen website security.

4. Patch dan Update : Ensure that all software, platforms and plugins used on the website are updated with the latest security patches to prevent defacement attacks that take advantage of known vulnerabilities.

And there are also some simple steps that can help and prevent website hacking, including :

1.Security Monitoring: Monitoring website security by using monitoring tools to detect suspicious activity or unauthorized changes to the web site.

2. Backup and Restore : Perform regular backups of the website and database to restore the website in a normal state in the event of a defacement attack and ensure that the database backup can be restored

3. The responses needed to deal with web defacement include: responsiveness, quick response, analyzing the cause, counseling and monitoring.

It’s important to note that web defacement doesn’t only happen in certain situations or when the website is up, hackers can try to deface at any time if they can find a security hole that can be cracked. Therefore, it is always important to keep your website secure by doing things that can prevent hacking.

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