Ramadhan Study Episode I
In the Ramadhan Study Episode 1 to increase practice and as a vehicle to increase knowledge in the month of Ramadan, Telkom University Jakarta Campus held a Ramadhan 1444 H. Beginning with the midday prayer, lecturers and employees participated.

Held at the Darul Ulum Telkom University Jakarta Campus Mosque, Dr. Ir. Agus Achmad Suhendra, M.T. as the speaker in the Ramadan study said that there were 3 (three) God’s love given to us in the month of Ramadan and were not given in other months:
- God forgives us over our past sins.
So abundance of God’s love for us by giving the widest possible forgiveness for the sins we have committed in the past. Allah SWT promises those of us who want and be able to carry out our obligations during the month of Ramadan well, God will purify us from our sins in the past. By fasting with faith and only expecting the pleasure of Allah and those who perform the evening prayer. - Every good practice, God will double the reward.
Every form of ibadan, goodness and good deeds will be raised by Allah SWT. If we carry out circumcision, God will give the same reward as carrying out compulsory worship. If we carry out compulsory worship, then Allah will double the reward as much as 70 times. All goodness that is done is to fill in the notebooks of our deeds each of us has the best practice during Ramadan. Even in the month of Ramadan there are days where our practice is comparable to a thousand (1000) months. - God promised this month of Ramadan to raise the degree and dignity of God.
When we can go through this Ramadan process well, God will raise his dignity before God with increasing our piety. The highest human degree before God is a human who has piety. If we have piety.
Every day that passes in Ramadan, don’t ever just pass, fill with as many pious charity and worship as much as possible. Ramadan makes our opportunity to be the best before God. Hopefully in this blessed month we can take advantage of the moment of Ramadan.