
Belajar Singkat Memahami Dasar-Dasar Vue JS Bagi Pemula

Quick Tutorial on Understanding Vue JS Basics for Beginners

Quick Tutorial on Understanding Vue JS Basics for Beginners One of the most popular and easy-to-learn JavaScript frameworks available today is Vue JS. Vue JS provides developers with an easy-to-use, versatile, and intuitive way to create dynamic and interactive online applications. We will cover the basics of Vue.js and how to get started with this [...]
Angular JS, Framework JavaScript yang Memiliki Banyak Peminat

Angular JS, A JavaScript Framework That Has Many Enthusiasts

Angular JS, A JavaScript Framework That Has Many Enthusiasts Developers choose a number of frameworks to create effective web applications, and Angular JS is the most preferred choice. Since this framework is open source and provides immense support from the Angular JS community, developers use it extensively. The capacity of AngularJS to create websites is [...]
Apa Perbedaan HTTP dan HTTPS, Berikut Simak Penjelasannya

What is the Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS? Here’s the Explanation

What is the Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS? Here’s the Explanation It seems that you often notice that the prefix HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) or HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is always displayed in the browser's address bar column. It turns out that this prefix plays an important role in the distribution of data on [...]
Tutorial Install dan Mengakses Laravel untuk Pemula

Laravel Installation and Access Tutorial for Beginners

Laravel Installation and Access Tutorial for Beginners PHP is one of the most widely used programming languages in web development. This is also not without reason, PHP is the programming language that makes WordPress, the most widely used content management system in the world. PHP is a server-side development language or back-end programming language. Laravel [...]
Layanan Google Cloud Platform Teknologi yang Memudahkan Mahasiswa

Google Cloud Platform Technology Services That Make It Easier for Students

Google Cloud Platform Technology Services That Make It Easier for Students Technology continues to develop in various industries, including the world of education. All technological needs are utilized to improve the quality of education. Moreover, with the internet, everything feels easier, more flexible, and more efficient. Many things can be done via the internet, such [...]
Visualisasi Data: Meningkatkan Efisiensi dalam Analisis Data

Data Visualization: Increasing Efficiency in Data Analysis

Data Visualization: Increasing Efficiency in Data Analysis When data is presented only in numerical or written form, many people will have difficulty understanding it. Especially if the amount presented is quite large. The information and material in it can only be understood by a select group of data specialists. Therefore, data visualization is one of [...]