Jakarta life

Telkom University is now present in Jakarta! Before going to Telkom University Jakarta, let’s get to know the surrounding environment first.
Who doesn’t know about the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. The government center and business center are in this city. A city with all kinds of commotion, including traffic jams, pollution and population density. Not a few people migrate to Jakarta for career achievement and economic improvement. Jakarta as a tourist city because this city has many interesting places to visit, such as tourist amusement parks, museums, historical monuments such as Monas, shopping places, traditional markets, and many more. This city also has a rich history and unique culture, which can be seen from the various historical and cultural tourist attractions in this city. There are many interesting places that can be explored from Jakarta as the capital of Indonesia, which you can stop by if you are tired of the hustle and bustle of Jakarta.

1. Monas (National Monument)
The National Monument or what is abbreviated as Monas or Tugu Monas is a 132 meter (433 foot) high memorial monument located right in the middle of Medan Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta. Monas was established to commemorate the resistance and struggle of the Indonesian people in gaining independence from the colonial government of the Dutch Empire. This monument was architected by Friedrich Silaban and Soedarsono and began construction on August 17 1961.
2. Kota Tua Jakarta
Tour the Kota Tua of Jakarta in the North Jakarta area. Jakarta’s Kota Tua Tour presents various historical architecture which is a legacy of the Dutch colonial period. As an area with old buildings, there are many interesting spots to learn about history and take photos for all groups.

3. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII)
TMII ini merupakan tempat wisata pertama di Indonesia yang bertemakan budaya. This park was built on an area of 150 hectares and is located in East Jakarta. Different from other tourist attractions, at TMII various Indonesian cultures are presented from Sabang to Merauke. This park, which was built during the era of President Soeharto, is one of the most complete cultural tourism destinations in Indonesia.
4. Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK)
Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) which is located in Penjaringan, Jakarta offers a calming beach atmosphere. There, you can visit various tourist points. For example, to Pantai Indah Maju, Pantjoran PIK which is filled with various food and drink places. The Mangrove Forest in Angke Kapuk Mangrove Nature Tourism Park has walking paths and boat rentals, is famous as a popular photo spot, the natural scenery is very beautiful and cool.

5. Ragunan Wildlife Park
Ragunan Zoo is the oldest zoo in Jakarta and is located in South Jakarta. This zoo stores various kinds of flora and fauna from various regions in Indonesia and the world. Apart from being able to see various collections of animals and plants, you can also see animal shows which will be staged several times a day.