Expertise Group

Several expertise groups exist at Telkom University Jakarta.

  1. Business Resources, Marketing, and Tourism Strategy
  2. Telecommunication Technology
  3. Multimedia Interactive Technology (MIT)
  4. Cyber Physical System
  5. Intelligent System
  6. Design Concept Strategy (DECONSTRA)
  7. Media and Craftsmanship (MEDCRAFT)
  8. Cybernetics
  9. Engineering Management System
  10. Telecommunication Transmission
  11. Networking, Cybernetics, and Engineering Management (NCM)
Keahlian Teknologi Komunikasi

Through this diversity, Telkom University Jakarta creates a dynamic and innovative academic environment. Collaboration between lecturers and students in the expertise group becomes the foundation for formulating the latest solutions in facing challenges in the fields of technology, communication, and other sciences. By involving themselves in the development of science and research, this expertise group also contributes to the development of deeper and more relevant knowledge in supporting technological and scientific progress in this digital era. With the spirit of innovation and collaboration, Telkom University Jakarta will continue to produce superior generations who are ready to face changes in the world with the latest skills and knowledge.

Expertise Groups at Telkom University Jakarta are functional groups managed by lecturers, have special expertise in similar scientific units and are represented by certain faculties. The lecturers in this group are responsible for implementing scientific functions and expertise in their respective disciplines. Expertise Groups aim to carry out various scientific development activities and improve expertise in accordance with the principles of the Tridharma of Higher Education, including education, research, and community service. Thus, this group becomes the vanguard in advancing and developing the fields of science and expertise that are its focus.

Kelompok Keahlian di Telkom University Jakarta
Telkom University Jakarta Juga memiliki Kelompok Keahlian Teknologi Komunikasi