Diversity and Inclusivity
Diversity of students from 30 provinces, full and partial scholarships. Join us for a bright future!
Telkom University Jakarta Campus is a private university that has students, lecturers and academic staff who come from almost all corners of the country. An environment that has inclusivity and diversity makes Telkom University a public spotlight, starting from parents, students, to lecturers who want to register themselves or their children to join Telkom University Jakarta. The diversity and inclusivity of Telkom University Jakarta is evident from the lecturers and students who come from various islands, tribes and also different cultures ranging from Aceh to Papua. In addition, Telkom University Jakarta students also come from 30 provinces in Indonesia. This diversity makes Telkom University Jakarta one unit, namely the big family of Telkom University Jakarta.

Scholarship Program
Telkom University Jakarta also pays great attention to students’ financial limitations so that a scholarship program is provided for students who are less fortunate and have talent, interest and strong determination to study at Telkom University Jakarta. The various types of scholarships provided are full and partial scholarships. Scholarships are provided from various internal and external parties. Internal parties usually provide scholarships to students who have competitive achievements by providing scholarships to reduce tuition fees by a certain amount according to their level of achievement. The following is a list of scholarships provided:
- Telkom University Scholarship, is a scholarship program intended for prospective new Telkom University students who wish to study at Telkom University which can be obtained through several scholarship routes such as the Superior Achievement Pathway (JPU), Academic Achievement Pathway (JPA), Best 3, etc.
- Competition Scholarships are scholarships aimed at SMA / SMK / MA students throughout Indonesia. The Scholarship Pathway is a selection route through tests
- Religious Scholarships, are scholarships for students who have religious achievements or are active in spiritual management for both Islamic, Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist and Confucian religions from high schools, vocational schools, and
- Telkomsel Service Association Scholarship, is a scholarship intended for SMA/SMK/MA students throughout Indonesia. This scholarship is only open to several majors, namely S1 Informatics, Bachelor of Information Systems, and Bachelor of Visual Communication Design.
- APERTI BUMN Scholarship, is a scholarship organized by the BUMN Higher Education Alliance (APERTI), namely Telkom University (TEL-U), PLN College of Engineering (STT PLN), Pertamina University (UP), International University College of Logistics Management (STIMLOG) Semen Indonesia (UISI), Poltek POS, BRI Institute of Technology and Business (BRI Institute), and Telkom Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITTS).
- The KIP Kuliah Merdeka Scholarship is a scholarship selection route held for SMA/SMK/MA students who have economic limitations but have good achievements to continue their studies at university.
- IDCloudhost Scholarship is a scholarship organized by IDCloudhost in collaboration with Telkom