Arts and Culture UKM
This Student Activity Unit is one of the student activity units at Telkom University, especially Telkom University Jakarta, which is engaged in the development of potential student talents in the arts to cultural preservation. This Student Activity Unit carries out many art activities both internally and externally as a form of art appreciation and to increase student creativity. This Student Activity Unit also usually contains student associations from various regions throughout Indonesia. In this UKM, students will learn various cultures and exchange knowledge about the culture of their home region. Student activity units for Arts and Culture at Telkom University Jakarta Campus, namely: Choir.

In addition, this UKM is also a gathering place for students from various regions in Indonesia. This allows students to learn about various cultures and exchange knowledge about the culture of their regions of origin. Thus, the Arts and Culture UKM at Telkom University Jakarta Campus is not only a place to develop artistic talents, but also a forum to enrich cultural experiences and expand students’ social networks.
One of the UKMs at Telkom University Jakarta Campus is the Choir. The existence of this Choir UKM provides an opportunity for students who have interests and talents in the field of vocal music to develop and channel their talents. In this supportive environment, students can learn vocal techniques, hone their musical skills, and experience collaborating in a choir.
Thus, UKM Kesenian Seni dan Budaya at Telkom University not only serves as a place to develop artistic talents, but also as a forum to strengthen unity between students from various cultural backgrounds. By being involved in this UKM, students can broaden their insights about art and culture and develop themselves holistically.
If you are interested in becoming a part of this community and exploring your potential in arts and culture, don’t hesitate to join! Register on campus and join UKM Choir and other UKMs to experience valuable experiences and build meaningful connections with fellow students. Come on, don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of the arts and culture journey at Telkom University Jakarta!
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